IO1: Building Basic Skills Handbook
This Output is an integrated set of materials designed to give educators and/or non-formal trainers who support adult learners, migrant support workers and adult education managers specific tools on how to provide knowledge and skills that will empower migrant women to become financially, culturally and socially active within the host countries and host communities.
IO2: WINGS Local Action Programme
(W-LAP) – W-LAP encapsulates a systematic attempt to develop a dedicated course programme in each partner country that will improve the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of migrant women.
IO3 “MY WINGS” : A multimedia good practice e-booklet
This is a compilation of experiences and testimonies expressed by migrant women themselves who have participated in W-LAP. The e-booklet will be a joint collaboration of all partners and will convey participants’ experiences to a wider audience.
IO4: Online Learning Platform
The Platform will be designed as a database of the project resources and a dedicated online learning portal to support the work of adult educators and ensure that migrant women have access to all learning resources provided on a range of fixed and mobile devices.
IO5: WINGS Policy Paper
This Intellectual Output will develop a policy paper that captures the policy learning from the project experiences of partners and identifies critical steps moving forward to support the development of basic skills of migrant women and their integration into lifelong learning.